Join us as we gather in the circle in these uncertain times that challenge our ability to return to a state of equanimity-- a state that prepares us for thoughtful and clear thought and action.
In these unprecedented times, it is important to plumb the depths of our hearts and minds to find places of refuge and inspiration for individual and collective healing. As always, we will call on the Circle to hold us, the beauty of the labyrinth to fill us, and our sisterhood to witness us as we dream of a world of more balance and kindness.
The 16th annual Charlottesville Women’s Dream Quest offers a group of up to 40 women the rare opportunity to gather overnight for large and small group ritual, song, meditation, art, and healing. Led by Judith Tripp, MA, MFT, a transpersonal psychotherapist, teacher, and musician located in northern California. To read more about Judith and her work, visit her website:
A lite dinner, art supplies, snacks, and breakfast included. Everyone is required to take a COVID test upon arrival. Anyone with a positive test result will be asked to go home and care for themselves and their registration fee will be returned.
If this is your first Dream Quest, you will find a circle of women welcoming you, and everything will be explained as we go through our time together. If you would like to find out more about the Dream Quest or have questions, please feel free to contact Patty at
During the Quest, we gather in both large and small groups and learn several beautiful chants. There is time for movement and guided meditation that sets the tone and creates a safe and expansive environment for each woman to have her "dream" as well as a warm and nurturing environment for us all to experience a community of heart. We encourage women to consider all their experiences in the event as part of their dream. There is time for praying, journaling, singing, creating art, or even going to sleep. We want women to feel free to follow their hearts and experiences. This period lasts until the lights dim, but some women choose to walk the Labyrinth during the night or continue their vigil or meditation.
In the morning, participants are awakened with a song, and spend the first morning hour in meditation, body prayer (movement, yoga stretches, etc.), or journaling. We meet in small and large groups again with a closing ceremony on the Labyrinth, and the process of taking what we've learned back into the world begins.